Headache Cures
1. Emotional tension
A too heavy workload often triggers a sense of nyut nyut once in the head. In fact, all the things that cause tension and stress will make us more susceptible to headaches or migraines. Headaches caused by emotional tension headache is called functional or tension headaches.
Symptoms begin with muscle tension in neck, shoulder, and skull due to emotional distress. The pain always started from the back of his head, creeping forward, then to both sides of the head. Light massage in that section could reduce the headache, but after a while complaints will be returned.
2. Hormonal Changes
Diakibakan headaches due to hormonal changes is usually a severe headache that occurs on one side of the head. Generally this headache feels heavier than the headaches due to tension. Patients with migraine in women about three times more than men. The cause is mainly due to hormonal changes.
3. Hot air
The increase in air temperature often causes migraine or severe headache. In a study found 7.5 percent of respondents experiencing headaches when hot air.
4. The smell is too strong
Have you ever felt dizzy because of the scent of perfume? The smell a strong odor, even a fragrance, usually causes headache. Not yet known why this happened, but experts suspect the smell that has a strong aroma stimulates the nervous system. Besides perfume, the smell of paint, flowers, or dust, often causing throbbing head.
5. Hair Accessories
The way we treat the hair can be influential to the head. Tying hair too tightly can make tissues in the head became tense and invite headaches. Headbands, hairpins, also a hat that is too narrow will cause the same effect.
6. Sports
Exercise that is too heavy, including sex, can also cause headaches. Excessive physical activity can make the blood vessels in the head and neck swelling and depressed. Headaches caused by sports or sex is easier to attack people who are often affected by migraine.
7. Posture
Not just sports sweat which can cause pressure on the neck and head muscles. Posture which is formed from daily habits can also cause headaches. Call it a habit to sit with your shoulders hunched, sitting without a backrest, staring at a computer monitor positioned too high or low, or flanking the phone between ear and shoulder. If lately you are often attacked by a headache, it's time to improve your posture daily.
8. Trauma
These headaches often occur as a result of an accident, although only slightly injured in the head. The pain sometimes occurs after weeks or months after injury and may last up to a year after the trauma.
9. Cheese
Triggers headaches, migraines, aka, the most common are cheese, including cheddar, blue cheese, mozzarella and parmesan. The reason is tyramine, which is formed from a protein already broken down, which is in cheese. The longer the process of food or drink, the more tyramine it contains.
10. Red wine
Tyramine can also be found in red wine and liquor. Terkadung alcohol in drinks that will increase blood flow to the brain, so that the head feels dizzy.
11. Skipping lunch
Empty stomach because of no time to eat lunch in some people often cause headaches. In addition to dizziness, an empty stomach also makes the blood sugar down, consequently the body feels weak. Immediately lunch with balanced nutrition. Avoid eating sweet foods, like chocolate to fill an empty stomach. Sugar from sweet foods will make your blood sugar to soar then fall even lower.
12. Allergy
This disorder is often accompanied with symptoms of runny nose, watery eyes, and throat pain. Appearance can be caused by certain foods or anything that can cause allergies.
13. Cigarette
Smoking is included in the cause of headaches, not just against people who smoke, but also passive smokers in the vicinity. The content of nicotine causes blood vessels to the brain constrict, resulting in reduced blood flow to the brain.
14. Caffeine
The people who frequent headaches are usually friendly with coffee. Caffeine can indeed become friends as well as opponents. In fact, several kinds of headache medicines contain caffeine in it. But on the other hand, caffeine can also cause headaches.
15. Sinus
Sinus headaches have a disorder that is easy to determine from the symptoms. Closed one nostril or both and the pain extends to the upper cheeks and forehead. The parts are very sensitive feel so touched by it will be painful in cash.
That's fifteen things that can trigger headaches. Some of them may not be aware can cause extreme headaches. Therefore, the important thing is to keep the condition of the body to keep fit by adopting a healthy lifestyle since from now. If the headache that occurs continuously going on and does not work with painkillers mengguanakn head, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Various Thing That Causes Headaches

Causes and types of headaches are quite a lot. Therefore, knowing with certainty the cause and type is the first step to healing. Here are some types of head pain disorders are often in pain and Headache Cures:
* Tension headaches. Symptoms begin with muscle tension in neck, shoulder, and skull due to emotional distress. The pain always started from the back of his head, creeping forward, then to both sides of the head.
* Migraine headaches. Generally, the headache that is felt more severe than headaches due to tension. Migraines always felt on one side of the head alone and often behind one eye. Then came the term "headaches." Patients with migraine in women about three times more than men. The cause is mainly due to hormonal changes.
* Headache with a variety of symptoms. This disorder occurs mainly in men. Symptoms include unusual pain and is generally focused around the eye socket with watery eyes and runny nose.
* Post-traumatic headaches. It often comes as a result of an accident, although only slightly injured in the head. The pain sometimes occurs after weeks or months after injury and may last up to a year after the trauma.
Allergic Headaches. This disorder is often accompanied with symptoms of runny nose, watery eyes, and throat pain. Appearance can be caused by certain foods or anything that can cause allergies.
* Sinus headaches. This disorder is easily known from the symptoms. Closed one nostril or both and the pain extends to the upper cheeks and forehead. The parts are very sensitive feel so touched by it will be painful in cash.
* In addition to the specific cause headaches, there are also headaches that arise solely as a secondary symptom of the condition of the body was not right and requires medical treatment.
The following guidelines can be used as reference to solve the headache problem, namely:
* If the headache is felt even worse in the morning rather than during the day, signs of high blood pressure.
* If the headache accompanied by pain in the eyes, ears or teeth, indicating the occurrence of infection.
* Had headaches always occur after performing a task that relies on the sense of vision such as reading or sewing, a sign there are irregularities in the eye.
* Tumors, stroke, or it may be difficult to sleep can be a cause of sudden headache is very painful. As a result, the body feels weak and accompanied by blurred vision. This headache often begins as a small and increasingly severe pain in the morning. Examination required as soon as possible to determine the cause.
* If a headache accompanied by fever and stiff neck, chances are you stricken with meningitis. Medical treatment is needed.
* If the headaches appear suddenly and very painful, a sign of arterial blood vessels in the brain to rupture. It can be life threatening. Medical management should be done immediately.
Tips to Cure Headaches Naturally 1

When we are sick head, what are we looking for? definitely migraine headaches. How about an unusual take medication? or even allergy medications? not cured the headache, but other diseases came over. Here are tips that can help to relieve headaches naturally;
Headache Cures
1. Drinking water. The headaches are often triggered by dehydration. When you lose a lot of heat and fluid accompanied by head pain, white water consumption immediately. Sit for a while, then drink water slowly. Do not do a lot of movement until the headaches disappear.
2. Drink 1 cup of Wedang tea, given the lime juice 1 tablespoon and a little salt (no sugar, but could use honey)
3. Inhale slowly, looking close your eyes. Closed his eyes is an effective way to relieve muscle tension that causes eye pain head.
4. Try eating hot soup. After that, try sleeping in a quiet atmosphere or dim.
5. Bundle of leaves and stems of water spinach boiled half cooked, eaten as a vegetable.
6. Away from the computer. Computer Radiation can also cause pain in the head. This usually happens to you who spend long hours at the computer. Try to turn off the monitor, then go out of the room to get some fresh air.
7. Soaking in warm water can also cure your headache.
8. Use your index finger and thumb to gently press
your nose. And, have a massage at the temple in turn. But remember, do not press too hard.
9. Compress heads. Take a soft cloth or small towel, then wet with cold temperature water. Then, paste in the back of the head and neck. That way could reduce the pain because it makes a relaxing effect.
10. Meditation. When he appeared headache try to meditate. Close your eyes, inhale and hold for five seconds then slowly waste. Focus your mind on things that are fun. That way you can reduce muscle tension headache triggers, due to psychological pressure
10 Magic Ways to Cure Headache

10 option for headache cures :
1. Botox This drug may be known as a wrinkle remover, but it is also potent toxin magic to relieve headaches. Botox can make the muscles that are contracting due to headaches become relaxed. These drugs block the sensory nerves that transmit pain messages to the brain and to relieve tension in forehead and back of neck. About 8 injections, which feels just like a pinprick, enough to ease the pain in the head.
New effect was felt around 8-10 days after injection.
2. Acupuncture
Needling technique is recognized can relieve headaches. The pins are inserted on the sick, usually as the neck, forehead and cheeks. For those of you who fear needles need not worry because the needle is very small so it is likely not going to be felt.
The use of acupuncture conducted in titik2 recommended using 10 to 12 needles, 30 minutes per week, for 10 to 12 weeks.
This treatment can make patients feel relaxed. Usually the maximum results can be felt for several months to a year.
3. Sex
Sex can release the pain that hit someone's head. Because endorphins and other pain relievers hormone also released during orgasm, so they can make a person feel relaxed and more calm.
4. Exercise or sports
If you often experience headaches & secaras require periodic treatment, the sport is a way. When you're active, you increase stamina, reduce stress and sleep better.
The harder the exercise, for example (jogging, brisk walking, swimming), the more lost the pain caused by tension in the head. Exercise aimed at muscles shoulder & neck, masing2 SLM 100 times & coupled with a bicycle pedaling ergonomics and stretching.
However, if you experience migraine, this kind of rigorous training will only make things worse, so get to know you baik2 type headache.
5. Water
This is one more reason why you are recommended to drink 8 glasses a day. Dehydration is one of the biggest causes of headaches.
When the body does not get enough water, the body begins to store fluid already there and give the signal 'thirst', including through the headache / migraine.
The good news is with a drink, you can feel a little better. So, for body condition tetaap balanced & awake, then drink 8-10 glasses of water each day.
However, do not overdo it too, because of excess fluid in the body can reduce the levels of electrolytes and sodium in the body.
6. Synopsis
When the headache attack, then the activity was so disturbed. Usually people simply taking drugs to suppress it. However, there are several other ways that might be an option to relieve pain in the head, without swallowing drugs.
7. Snacks
You just got home from work and your head feels like it had been punched. you just realized that it was many hours you do not fill the stomach that day.
When the body does not get the input of food, blood sugar levels become unstable, causing headaches. This is the body's way of saying, "Give me to eat. I'm starving!"
Take snacks such as apples, for example, to relieve headaches & bring your blood sugar levels back to normal. Reject the temptation to pick candy, because its sugar content can be surprising and even mess up your sugar levels.
8. Caffeine
Besides can make eyes tired to stay awake, coffee has turned out another advantage, which caffeine can control the pain of the head.
In addition, caffeine can also facilitate the absorption of migraine drugs. Not only that, caffeine is also able to curb attacks of headache with interesting / pursed blood vessels.
However, even so, for some people, caffeine can actually cause headaches instead. So consumption carefully, everyone tiadk same.
9. Sleep
Took sleep for 8 hours may seem rare, especially when you quite busy. However, sleeping too much / little can cause headaches.
The human body requires at least 7 hours to recharge up to back refreshed and headache could be lost because of it. Try to sleep and wake at the same hour every day.
10. Write
You can pour all the burden of thinking through writing. Too much thinking can make a sore head, so that by pouring it in a paper load is believed to create a burden on the head to be underestimated.
For those of you who often suffer from headache disorders is not unbearable, so it's good if you immediately went to the doctor.
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